Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

SCARLET is the second book to The Lunar Chronicles.

For the Goodreads synopsis of the book click here

What can I say about this…

So here we are introduced to 3 other characters, Thorne, Scarlet, and Wolf. I have to say I like Scarlet. She’s not sassy but she’s strong. Thorne is a self proclaimed captain (you’ll know what I mean if you’ve read the book). Wolf is a sweetheart. Although in this book we don’t really get to know Wolf that much.

I had high hopes going into Scarlet. Maybe too high for my own good? It still has the things that I liked about Cinder, such as the pace.It was action packed and fast paced. I love the flow of the events and how facts connect and all that. I don’t know what really turned me off. I think there just wasn’t enough depth to it? I couldn’t really connect to the characters. Is it just me? I couldn’t even find a good quote in there, and I usually have a quote in the beginning of my posts. I noticed the same for Cinder… I’ve read mixed reviews about SCARLET as well so I don’t think it’s just me. I read that CRESS is much better but I don’t want to get my hopes up.

I rate this

(3.5/5) ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

Will be reading CRESS soon. I don’t know if I can read it now with my disappointment from SCARLET. I need to read it with a clear mind. Knowing me, I’ll probably read it next week.

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I love Thorne’s humour. I just love how light he is as character. There were some moments where I laughed so hard because of him. Like when Cinder finally told him that she was the Princess Selene, and he just snorted! LOL still puts a smile to my face. I love how of all the characters he’s the one who doesn’t go through the process of self-acceptance because he already has. In fact, he loves himself a lot and doesn’t take things seriously. If this was the Shatter Me series, he’s like the Kenji of the group. You feel?

Scarlet and Wolf… I can’t say it was insta-love but it kind of felt like it was? I know that they are drawn together because they have to go places together. I also get that Wolf hasn’t interacted with a lot of women and spending a lot of time with Scarlet makes him feel intense feels toward her. I like Wolf though, how he tries to resist the force (LOL) because he fell for Scarlet. Also, I love Scarlet’s theory at the end where the Alpha female theory kicks in and sort of answers why Wolf was able to overpower Jael’s control over him. I think they are cute as a pair. Scarlet is strong emotionally and Wolf is strong physically and they both balance each other.

Kai and Cinder are end game for sure. Even though Kai says that he’s going to cut his feelings for Cinder, it’s still there.

This book briefly shows us Queen Levana’s weak side. The part where she was at that bridge at Luna and how Sybil congratulated her with Kai’s marriage proposal? We see that she was in love once just like everybody else. She was even engaged! There is for sure a back story to that but I haven’t read FAIREST (novella) yet.

What are your thoughts on Scarlet or The Lunar Chronicles?

Till next time,

→ Krish


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