Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

“No heart can ever be truly understood. Not even your own.”


If you’re wondering why there’s a box of tissue next to the book, my answer to you is “Go and read Red Queen then Glass Sword! Go! Go! Go!”

When GLASS SWORD came out, I didn’t read it immediately because I wanted the hype to die down. Then as curious as I was, I read the Goodreads reviews and had high hopes going into the book…

Goodreads synopsis right here 👈🏼 CAUTION: Do not read the reviews!

Going into it with high hopes was my downfall because Mare was insufferable. She made me roll my eyes too many times. I had to put the book down for several occasions and I thought I would not be able to finish it. But I did and IT WAS SO WORTH IT.

In RED QUEEN (which I made a review of here), Mare was talking about her family, the people around her, and her new surroundings. In GLASS SWORD, she freaking talks about herself all the freaking time and I just want to slam her into a wall so she can snap out of it. I’m not gonna lie, she is annoying as hell but just push through it. It’s going to be worth it.

GLASS SWORD picks up directly where we left off at RED QUEEN. It has a bunch of new characters, some I grew to love….deeply *cries*. There is a lot of travelling involved. The characters are never in one place for far too long. The world has certainly developed a lot and we learn more about the newbloods in here as well.

I gave this a

(4.5/5) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 rating

I really hope the next one is better and I CAN’T WAIT FOR IT.


———————————–—SPOILER SECTION——–—————————-—–













OMAGAAAAAAH!!!!! I may seem so ranty to you right now….This review could definitely turn into a ranty one at any point.

THIS WAS SO SLOW at the very beginning… And Mare, oh gosh Mare.. I hate Mare so much in GLASS SWORD. I really hate her now. The person she has become, how she thinks so highly of herself???? Oh gosh! I think the ending, was meant to be a turning point for her! I’m not trying to scream, I just realized this. It’s a way for her to reflect on what she has done and in the next book she’s going to realize what she has become. Since the ending really brought her down to her knees, it was her coming down from whatever position she put herself in.

Throughout the whole book, my favourite people were:

• Kilorn: He sees past Mare’s lies/mask (her BS) and does not tolerate any of it. At the same time he still loves and cares for her, no matter how many times she has pushed him away. He might seem annoying at times but his reactions were reasonable. And him trying to learn how to read and write was so cute. 💕 The courage he had to conjure to tell Mare he loves her even though he knows that she does not feel the same way, was admirable! It took balls to do that! Seriously… I do wonder at times who Kilorn is going to end up with. She’s going to be one lucky girl.

• Cameron: I just loved this girl! She was so spunky and was not scared to speak her mind! She puts Mare in her place when needed (which should have been from beginning to end). She was also scared, vulnerable, smart, and witty. I love her! I hope to see more of her in the next one!

• Shade  🌹🌹🌹: OH Shade 😭 May he rest in peace. Shade made me cry. He was funny and the only comical relief in the book. He was my favourite and Victoria Aveyard killed him!! Well, Ptolemus did but still. Like DEAD. UUUUUUGH And him and Farley!! Farley is pregnant you guys! That’s why she’s didn’t join Mare and her stupid mission which was a catastrophe! I seriously didn’t see Shade dying. His power is so useful, he’s too precious. We just got to know him! And taken from us far too soon. That scene, while I was reading it … It was as if everything was in slow motion and he just shows up, reaches for Mare and BAM! 😭

Even Cal was stronger than Mare. Cal just lost his father but he pushed through it! Mare was just broken hearted. I didn’t really get the intensity of Cal and Mare’s relationship. Mare didn’t really expand on her feelings about Cal. I was actually waiting for them to like really happen here in GLASS SWORD. I was good with RED QUEEN not focusing on the love part but here, I really thought that we get more out of the ships. I didn’t really attach myself to Cal because I didn’t want to endure that heartache if he ever betrayed Mare or left her, but I should have attached myself to him. The scene that I really liked was when Mare slept in the plane and Farley was complaining why they had to circle around the place. Cal was like “she won’t be able to sleep”, that was when I knew he still loved Mare. Gave me hope.

Oh gosh!! The part in the plane where Cal tells Mare that he knows she kept Maven’s letters!! He felt so betrayed..Ouch! It actually hurt me. I felt his pain!

Julian is back! I missed Julian so much! How he confronted Mare about how he was scared for her was soooo good! I was silently cheering.

I know Mare still loves who Maven used to be. They have the same initials for goodness sake! I think we get to see their relationship unravel in book 3. Hopefully… Unless Mare stays knocked out the entire book. LOL

I’ve thought about ship names, but they’re all lame.

Cal + Mare= Care

Mare + Kilorn= Marn

Mare + Maven= Maren

Like NO. They’re all unshippable!

Till Next Time!!!

→ Krish

5 thoughts on “Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

    1. Thanks Alicia!! I don’t want to hype up Glass Sword just so you don’t go into it with high hopes because Mare will shatter them. If you finished reading it, let me know!!


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